Wednesday, August 6, 2008


UPDATE: (23/8/08) The tadpoles hatched within the last day or so, about 3 weeks after I first noticed the spawn.

Litoria Ewingi, I'm almost 100% sure. L. ewingi normally attach spawn to submerged vegetation.

We've had a couple of 'white frosts' lately and I was a bit concerned yesterday that these tadpoles may not have survived. However, this morning there is quite a bit of movement from several of them as they flip themselves over or move their tails.

The tadpoles are in what could loosely be described as a water trough that is performing the function of an above-ground bog habitat. I placed some aquatic vegetation in it during the drought, hoping to save the plants and since then, it's morphed into its own little eco system.

Litoria ewingi taddies successfully raised themselves in this environment last year and I hope these do as well. I placed a piece of wood into the trough to serve as a ramp for the metamorphlings

I missed the egg mass, unfortunately, only finding these on Monday, but will be keeping a 'camera' eye on them with the hope I don't miss 'the great escape' !

(Click to enlarge)

I reckon they look like little dolphins at this stage! :-)


Denis Wilson said...

Indeed they do look like little Dolphins.
Nice find, and I look forward to more photos.

Junior Lepid said...

Thanks Denis, I willco provided I'm not too late.

Mosura said...

A great find and yet another eminder for me to get some sort of pond happening up the back.

Junior Lepid said...

You won't regret it, Mosura. A source of constant delight, no matter how small! I had dragonflies dropping laps around this trough. In fact, they managed to breed, much to the disadvantage of the tadpoles! :-)