Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Small Change

I have changed the title and URL of this blog as my fungi sightings have become the dominant entries.

The prime purpose is to keep yearly records of fungi located in close proximity to my residence.

The most convenient site, apart from my own garden, is a small area of undisturbed remnant vegetation about 2 minutes walk from my house. This area has produced a vast number of specimens so far this year.

In due course, I intend to extend my study area to include locations within approximately 2klm.

Yeah, I know - the Fungi Bug has got me! :-) However, it's been a rewarding 'off-season' activity whilst the invertebrates are a bit quiet.


Mosura said...

Links updated on my blog.

..... where will you put the frogs? :-)

Junior Lepid said...

Thanks for your Link update, Mosura. They will still appear here along with flora. I altered the Blog description as well! :-)