Friday, August 15, 2008

August Fungi No. 3

(Click images to enlarge)

This one could be Cortinarius erythraeus
Single specimen although I did find another one several metres away.
Growing in Eucalypt remnant vegetation.
Cap width: 3.5cm
Height: 2cm
Gill colour: Brown

I have no idea what this one is!
Single specimen.
Growing in Euc. remnant vegetation
Cap width: 2.5cm
Height 5cm
Gill colour: Black
(Possibly Coprinellus sp.)

Clitocybe clitocyboides
Growing in the same location as Omphalina chromacea (Aug. Fungi No. 2)

These are tiny.
Growing behind my Garden shed
Cap width: 1cm
Length of stem: 2cm
Width of stem: 2mm
Not sure what they are but I'm off to research! :-)


Mosura said...

Some nice finds. I tried looking a couple up for you but without success.

Junior Lepid said...

Thanks for that, Mosura. I had no luck either.

I will come over to your blog tomorrow. I've been pretty busy here.

Denis Wilson said...

Nice fungi.
Re #2, many of the Mycenae have the ribbing of the cap visible on the upper side. But I have never seen it so exaggerated as in your specimen.
I had a look through my Fuhrer book, but nothing jumped out as a match. Time to seek help from the FungiMap people you know, I suspect.

Junior Lepid said...

LOL, Denis, at this rate, they are going to become sick of me! :-)

Fungimap look in here from time to time, so if I don't receive an ID shortly, I will send it to them.

It might be Coprinellus sp.