Sunday, June 21, 2009


It's hardly surprising I would aim my camera at interesting lichens I might trip over when on a fungi mission given the symbiotic relationship between some algae and some fungi to form lichen.

Here are a couple that caught my eye. The yellow one I found today in the prime of life, after 9.5mm of rain overnight. It was on a dead branch, Casuarina, I think. It's possibly Teloschistes species.

(Click images to enlarge)

This next one is sometimes called "coral lichen" for obvious reasons! It's a ground-dweller and Cladia species. There is a Cladia known as East Coast Snow and that's exactly what this one looks like when you stumble into a large colony of the stuff!


Denis Wilson said...

Lovely image - especially the top one.
I have seen something similar. I shall have to track back and see what i have got.
Coral Lichen looks unusual to my eyes.

Junior Lepid said...

Thanks Denis.

I got a couple more yesterday but yet to round them up ID-wise.

Anonymous said...

The top picture is a Teloschistes chrysophthalmus /PF