Thursday, June 4, 2009

June 2009 Fungi 2

I decided to get a bit wet yesterday and went fungi stalking in the drizzle.
As usual, my identifications are subject to amendment!

(Click images to enlarge)

This is Peziza species.
It's growing in discarded pet litter next to one of
the water tanks. The pet litter is made from recycled paper and some fungi seem to love it!

This is possibly Mycena nargan. There appears to be evidence
of white scales present on the cap which is indicative of this species.

This I believe might be Mycena albidofusca which is also growing in discarded pet litter near a water tank. The mushroom had frizzled up by this morning.
UPDATE: Thanks to Gaye, this fungus is Coprinus species, probably Coprinus plicatilis.
This is possibly Conocybe tenera which is known to grow
on herbivore dung, macropod in this case. I am sure I've read about one fungus that specifically grows on macropod manure, but I can't find it!

I am pretty sure this is Clitocybe semiocculta. It was growing in bark
lying on the ground and this species has caps half-hidden.
A slime mould growing on a rotting small branch.
This might be another slime mould similar to one featured yet unidentified in Bruce Fuhrer's section on Myxomycota in "A Field Guide to Australian Fungi". It was growing on a decaying log.


Gaye said...

Hello JL,

I am really enjoying your fungi finds.

I think you will find that your third pic labelled Mycena albidofusca is a Coprinus, probably Coprinus plicatilis.


Junior Lepid said...

Oh thanks for that, Gaye,

I'll make the necessary amendment!