Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sloughed And Ready To Roll

Today, I came upon this Shingle-back lizard enjoying the sun. It's pretending it's not there, of course!

I was really pleased to see it as the local population appears to be dropping.

This one is only half-grown.

(Click to enlarge)

Trachydosaurus rugosus


Gouldiae said...

G'day JL,
Nice one! Our large skink is the Blue Tongue, we don't get the Shinglebacks this side of the Divide as far as I know.

Junior Lepid said...

Morning Gouldiae,

We've got the Blue Tongue here as well, but they are a bit hard to find. I don't think I would have much chance of a photo with my camera! Static and semi-static is my speed! :-)